
It has gone to travel from Queenstown in New Zealand to [ 2013 ] Dunedin. If it is called Qweenztown, it will be a scenic tourist resort. The town of beautiful nature and a gold town, Dunedin, etc. were visited there. And it rode on the Taieri railroad and has been also to the chocolate factory of that Cadbury chocolate via Middlemarch!

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モチロンこの電車は自力で発電して走っています。このタイエリ鉄道、ダニーデンからこのプケランギまで山道を登ってくるのですが、夏と冬ではどうも終点が違うような・・・ でもプケランギには必ず泊まるような・・・  でも最新のHPを見るとシーズン関係なくプケランギが終点のような・・・
電車は遠くからゆっくりと近づいてきます。とてもカッコイイですね。この駅で乗車するのはクイーンズタウンから自分たちのようにやってきた人は居ませんでした。大半の人が、ミドルマーチ周辺や今までご紹介した、ランファーリなどの街でサイクリングをして楽しんだり、大自然の中で長期バカンスを楽しんだ感じの人たちです。↓どうです?皆さんのこの笑顔。もう、国籍なんて関係ありません。Hug the world です。ニュージーランドの自然というとクイーンズタウンから訪れることができるマウントクックやミルフォードサウンドなどが有名ですが、アトラクションで組み込まれた有名どころも当然いいですが、このクイーンズタウンからプケランギまでのローカルな旅は、格別なリアルなニュージーランドの自然を感じさせてくれました。みんなハッピーな気分です。
 この手前のオジサンがドライバー兼、ガイドさんです。チップの習慣はないようですが、お礼の気持ちを込めて手渡しました。彼は、ダニーデンからこの列車に乗ってきたお客さんを乗せて、またクイーンズタウンまでバンで送迎するようです。え、、、またこの距離をすぐに運転ですか・・・ タフですねー

At last, and the Taieri railroad that came to --- just! It is one of genuineness and the yearning routes of a railway buff.
It applies from Queenstown for many hours, Buss of the Wanaka connection is taken, and it changes to a van from the middle, and comes the inside of the mountain which goes into the heart of the mountains of Middlemarch and in which people are not all the way.
The train  is generated by itself and is running.
... which a terminal point differs from somehow in summer and winter although a mountain path is gone up from this Taieri railroad and Dunedin to this Pukerangi --- which certainly stays at Pukerangi    Also -- if the newest HP is seen -- a season --- [ like a terminal point ] whose here is and which is not related
since -- the direction which goes to Queenstown from Dunedin is absolute -- please check a schedule perfectly absolutely! Because, it is fatal, if it gets down by here and connection (it is a van) of welcoming cannot be performed well.
No, it is in big trouble .
Since there is nothing this station, either, having thought on the kept day is also dreadful.
In addition, it is unidentified whether the electric wave of a cellular phone arrives.
Although it is natural, please do not forget reconfirmation one week ago by any means.
A train approaches slowly from a distance.
It is very cool.
There were those [ no ] whom getting on at this station has done like themselves from Queenstown.
Most persons are the people of touch who did cycling in towns, such as the Middlemarch circumference and Laon Farley that introduced until now, and enjoyed themselves, or enjoyed the vacation by Naka of Nature over a long period of time.
↓ -- it is how -- ? -- this smiling face of yours.
Any longer, it is not related in nationality.
It is Hug the world.

If it is said that New Zealand is natural, Mt. Cook, Milford Sound, etc. which can be visited from Queenstown are famous, but Although famous  incorporated in the attraction is naturally also good, the local trip from this Queenstown to here gave the nature of exceptional realistic New Zealand.
It is a happy feeling wholly.

In this trip, this section was the highest most.
They are , , and the Taieri railroad that came to --- just! It is one of genuineness and the yearning routes of a railway buff.

This side are and [ driver ] and Mr. Guide.
The feeling of gratitude was put and handed although it seems that there was no custom of a chip.
It seems that he picks up the visitor who has ridden on this train from Dunedin, and welcomes and sends off by van to Queenstown.
it obtains and is operation immediately about this distance -- it is ... it is tough -
You put a load on a freight car at random.
There is no worldly thing, such as an exchange certificate.
The visitor who rides on this train from Dunedin and returns by return both ways is 70%.
Almost all persons return to Dunedin.
But it is once taken down to all the members pukerngi.
And it meets so.
Although it is how to receive the ticket of entrainment, if a hit is overlooked, since Mr. driver in character with charge (they are plain clothes) will pass a ticket, please search.
Since it is not a city, it is not necessary to get impatient.
If a ticket is received, I part from Mr. Driver, and this step will be climbed and it will get in.
Sense of security that it can arrive certainly to Dunedin by  Ahuu- and this.




予断ですが、この前、オーストラリアのタスマニア島に行った時は、いつも使っているCANONの一眼レフを持っていったのですが、やはり時代の波というものと、あまりにも携帯性に劣るので、今回はミラーレス一眼を購入してそれで撮影しました Sony NEX-6というカメラです。

Pukerangi station

It is arrival still more at Pukerangi.

The Taieri ravine starts starting with it. ---
- if it merely continues running a large plateau further intently
It is Pukerangi arrival at last! Pukerangi station! ...
Where is it?
That's right, the small thing of this left end is a station.
Since it is a connection place, it is surprised at the direction which was imagining the big station just for a moment.
The simple station (hut) which has a small hut in front of a track is a genuine Pukerangi station.
According to between the arrival time of a train, people gather in this station by little by little and van.

About 20 persons gathered in all.
There are also no anytihng, such as a toilet, a stand, and a telephone.

It great calling it ... or arriving from Queenstown correctly so far by such a long distance, since there are about 15 minutes till arrival, and is .
truly, it will be used to operation -- Mr. Guide.
Since i am the apparel-related industry in Japan, fashion changes and he lives in the flow of early information every day.
Such inside will yearn also after a little life which comes into contact with the people in a few hearts of the mountains in calm time (it has flown considerably in practice (smile)) in such Nature, if Mr. Guide of this is seen.
This is the Pukerangi station where the guidebook also appears well.
this appearance -- a photograph -- being the optimal .

 I also took some earnest photographs.
If he travels with a hobby, he will make a photograph book.
It's  a fellow like the gravure idol of a hardcover (smile).
Although the earnest photograph is not published in a blog ...
Although it was prejudgment, when it went to Tasmania Island in Australia before this, brought the single lens reflex camera of CANON always used, but Since it was inferior to portability too much with a wave of the time after all, one Miller Les eye was purchased, then a photograph was taken this time. It is a camera called Sony NEX-6.
Although it turns out to be  and it, since automatic translation software is used, it is quite severe English.
I'm sorry




ランファーリ Runfurly の街







これが、その昔GOLD RUSHに沸いた金脈の地の一つ、BLUE LAKE です。金の成分の関係でブルーに見えるからブルーレイクという名前なんでしょうか・・・ 実際にはそれほどブルーには見えなかったですが、確かに青かったです。それにしても、こんな辺鄙な場所から富が生み出されるとは、、、資源の無い日本人にとっては、あっけにとられる風景です。ちなみに、この場所だけではなく、ここからRANFURLYに行くまでの間、所々に採掘現場の跡があります。

これだけ、広大な地域で金が採れるのなら、今でもとれるんじゃないですか?と尋ねると It's very very difficult ,now. だそうです。
This is one of the grounds of the financial connections which seethed with GOLD RUSH once upon a time, and BLUE LAKE.
Or [ since it looks blue due to a golden ingredient, / it will be a name of blue lake ] ... Although it did not look actual so blue, to be sure, it was blue.
Even so, that wealth is produced from such a remote place is the scenery of being surprised, for a Japanese without resources.
Incidentally, the marks of the mining spot are located in some places until it goes to RANFURLY not only from this place but from here.
Yes, take a shot.
The driver was told firmly "Don't exceed this guard by any means."
It is surely the bottom of a valley.
Anew, the feeling of traveling abroad is tightened.
if gold can be taken in such a vast area like this, even now, it cannot take -- it is -- it is said that they are It's very very difficult and now. when it is inquired as ?


Gold rush town St. Bathans

The time when New Zealand boiled by gold rush once upon a time, Sent Bathans which was one of the HOT towns.
Here is the proof.
This machine, the pump of ? well which I really regard as what, some speakers? No, that is not right.
This is big water-drainage cancer.
It is said that everywhere was dug up in the town and the streets were serious with the excavated dust gold rush and then.
It is said that air was purified aiming at that dust, pouring water with this deluge gun.
Now, such scenery is the shin without being able to imagine.
what is this? again -- ? post office it can say and say -- so -- coming out -- isn't it?
This is a hut which warms itself.
It is said that it was very cold in this place, and the body got cold to the core when worked for a while since there were no outstanding keeping-warm garments like the present age those days.
It is said that this hut was made in order to warm such the body.
The inside of a hut accumulates a stone and is built with such touch.
Since there was no less than 20 cm the width of a stone wall, it was a thing that it excels in protection against the cold.

ゴールドラッシュで沸いた街 セントバサンズ




セントラルオタゴの奥地のバルカンホテル vulcan hotel


これがValucan Hotel です。どうも今も営業しているようです。どんな人が泊まりにくるのかなー?さすが、セントラルオタゴのど真ん中だけあって、かなり荒涼とした空気が漂っています。

Now, ?  and the tourist this will really be none where are the hinterland equal [ that there is nothing ].
A place has a place called a blue lake, if the middle of the National Route 85 which turns on Lanfurly from Alexandra is gone into the north side.
They are a town of the side, and cent bathans.
this town -- there is almost no information.
well, probably it comes out and the NET environment etc. are the towns which possibly may not be.
Of course, in a mobile phone, an electric wave did not enter.
The person who witnessed is zero person during stay for about 30 minutes.
Were there  this dog of the?
His name is Jorge.
A ball is loved with a slow black dog.
Ball play was considered as him for a while.
It carried out slowly and was a very friendly dog.
It is always in a pasturage state.
this dog and Mr. Guide's pet dog -- or he is a friend.
The face when coming out of this town was wearing the extreme sad face.
This is Valucan Hotel.
It seems that business is still done somehow.
What kind of person comes for stopping? - Truly, there is only central Otago throat middle and quite desolate air is drifting.
This is a very good person who is Mr. Driver (guide (smile)).
It is a tone comparatively slowly for a New Zealander of rapidly talking English, and was easy to catch.
Deep central   Those who want to experience Otago need to stay here.
In addition, since the store was not found at all, it should go by a feeling to the extent that a mountain is climbed.
It is a telephone number because of reference.
Vulcan Hotel       1670 Loop Road, St Bathans  Newzealand +64 3-447 3629

Cambrian schhol

Cambrian school です。この学校は1885年設立ということですので今から128年前の建物ですね。この地区では一番古い学校だそうで、この学校で様々な年齢の生徒が、一つの部屋で一緒に勉強をしたのでそうです。入り口には、始業のチャイムの鐘がありましたので一応、鳴らしてみました。今は、管理人さんが入り口を入った部屋におられます。

It is Cambrian school.
Since this school is the 1885 establishment, it is a building of 128 years ago.
That's right since it is seemingly the oldest school in this area and the student of various age in this school studied together in one room.
Since there was a bell of the chime of the commencement of work in an entrance, it sounded once.
Now, I am in the room into which the janitor went the entrance.
I had you put in the room.
There is only one room in the room of about 30 mats.
Since there was a very old piano, it flipped.
It was tuned, since there is no ち, sound is out of order, but even now, music bursts exactly.
it will be because the student of the different age studies as looking -- is the desk placed scatteringly?


羊たちが沢山many sheep

cafe Mad Creek



新旧 郵便局 An old and new post office

This is a post office of the oldest beginning in this area.

And this is a post office of the active service of Omakau.

100年前のつり橋です The suspension bridge of 100 years ago

The bridge 100years old.

Frosty city Omakau


オマカウのカフェ MUDDY CREEK

昼時ということでランチタイムになりました。オマカウのHarvey streetにあるカフェMuddy creekに連れて行ってもらいました。と、いっても恐らくこの街にはカフェはここだけではないでしょうか?店内は、おばあさんが一人で店を切り盛りしています。カフェ関係と簡単なパンとマフィンがメニューです。ドライバーさんいわく、ここのマフィンは最高だよ、とのお勧めですのでマフィンをチョイスしました。うーん、実にレトロな味で素朴に美味しかったです。
Lunchtime came in lunchtime.
I had you take to Cafe Muddy creek in Harvey street of Omakau.
Even if it says, isn't a cafe probably only here in this town? In inside of a shop, the grandmother is managing the store alone.
Cafe relations, easy bread, and a muffin are menus.
Since it was recommendation that a driver Mr. reason and the muffin here were the highest, the muffin was chosen.
Well, it was simply delicious by a very retro taste.

It is local madam's social place.

お約束で、フラットホワイトです。最近日本のマックカフェでもフラットホワイトが登場し始めましたね。On a promise, he is a flat white.
A Japanese Mac cafe is also a seed these days that a flat white begins to appear.

オマカウ Omakau city

It came to the town of Omakau.
Here, seemingly it is a break time.
It is made so leisurely that it says whether this town is a town which has a mood very much, and a population only of about 200 is in it.
They are the high ground in the heart of the mountains, and the town surrounded by Nature.
It is the atmosphere which is unrelated to a crime.

It is a commercial hotel.
Although some persons were seen, there were five persons who dropped in as local persons were five persons and work, and the tourist was three persons and right.
It seemed that the tourist stayed at this town and was doing skilled [ of the Nature ].
It was moving by the bicycle.

中つ国の景色 The world of a load of the ring

Yes, it is the world of a load of the ring surely.
There is a sense of distance very much and it feels the natural big ground.
It is a wonderful scene.

Sheep's behavior is good.


アレクサンドラからオマカウ Alexandra to Omaku

It is the section from Alexandra to Omakau.
It is the high ground in the heart of the mountains passed beyond a mountain  from Queenstown.
A hit requires gas as dark and is a very visionary scene.
Alexandra to Omakau



Anything, since New Zealand seemingly has many sheep more overwhelmingly than man, such scenery continues for a long time.
Most is a sheep especially.